How to Use GoPro Apps on Your Smartphones

GoPro Camera

Thanks to the new GoPro App, you can now capture all sorts of incredible athletic stunts and hero shots with the help of your smartphone. Let’s take a closer look at how to use your smartphone with your GoPro camera to enjoy extreme sports.

What is GoPro?

Before, GoPro cameras were something only extreme sport enthusiasts used. They were lightweight, rugged and were very fast to capture action-packed scenes. They could also be mounted to other surfaces, including the outside of cars and boats or the front of an athlete’s helmet. It is also waterproof.

For these reasons, GoPro cameras were used almost exclusively by athletes and photographers specializing in extreme sports. Most of the incredible pictures of surfing, skiing, diving, kayaking, skateboarding and racing are all taken with GoPro cameras.

Recently, GoPro released an app that allows users to sync their smartphones with the cameras and manipulate setting remotely. Available for iOS, Windows and Android phones, the app basically lets you turn your phone into a remote, where you can change the settings and organize your images using just your phone. There is also a live feed and you can share your crazy adventure photos on social media.

Other Popular GoPro Apps

In addition to the official app, there is GoPro Wifi, which allows you to also download your photos from the camera and store them on your phone. You can then email them, post them to social media, or upload them to sites like Dropbox.

You can also check out GoPro, which is an app that will detect motion, so that your camera can switch modes to get the best shot. For example, if the app detects that you are running or jumping, it will send you a message to switch to burst mode to get a better shot.Learn how to use GoPro Apps on your smartphones Finally, if you’re new to GoPro, then you can also download the GoPro Guide, which is the camera manual in app form. You can scroll through different sections or browse the troubleshooting section if something goes wrong with your hardware.

Final Considerations

After trying out a GoPro camera and the app, you’ll probably be tempted to use it on your next mountaineering expedition or trip down the ski slope. But we aware that these sports carry serious risk of injury and should only be attempted by those with the proper training.

Trying to manage a camera on your first trip out on a surfboard probably will be very difficult, so make sure that you only document the sports in which you have sufficient experience.

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